Classes by groups 5 & 6

Hi everyone! Welcome back to another entry馃槅

This week we had another two classes and it was my group's turn.

Group 5, aka, my group, was the first one to go, we arrived quite early to get everything ready, the time of the class came and we had only one student so we were a bit disappointed but later on the class a few more students joined.

We started with the human knot game to warm up the class, led by Miriam, and it was a great activity to set the mood for the class since everyone was feeling a bit bored but they really enjoyed the game!

Then teacher Fernando proceeded to present the topic which was giving the time, he did an excellent job and his way of teaching was very dynamic and he even taught more vocabulary to the students.

Then it was my turn to lead the practice, I took with me a "Magic basket" and inside of it were different notes containing daily activities, each student had to draw a note randomly and then had to pair up and ask the question on the note and then the other student had to answer with the time they do that daily activity, it was a nice way to practice our topic and recap last week's topic as well.

Then Mar铆a had a very interactive activity for students to practice reading and giving the time of different cities, Mar铆a also did a great job teaching the different elements of our topic and she even gave the students random facts about cities and time.

Then, teacher Nathaly brought handmade clocks as a prop for students to practice setting the time and she also had a competition of boys vs. girls and boys won! I could tell they were all having fun and were excited, who doesn't like a competition?

To wrap it up, Miriam made two bingo boards as a way of recaping all of the different things that were taught throughout the lesson and the first group to complete one row horizontally or vertically would win.

We had a lot of activities planned this time and I think all of us had good energy overall and that was noticeable in the way we taught our topic.

Group 6 taught a very important topic whic was "There is and there are", I think this is a very important topic for students to learn at an early stage, they all seemed to understand it and the group did a nice job explaining as well, one student even explained it by himself  "There is is used for one object and there are is used for two or more things", it felt nice to hear him and I also felt proud of my classmates who did a great job teaching in a way that was easy to understand for everyone.

I really liked Mauricio's and Keneth's energy, you could tell that they really put an effort into teaching and they seem to enjoy it, the whole group did a great job actually.

They presented different activities for students to practice and count how many objects there were in the picture and decide whether that had to use "Is" or "Are" and they also taught the structure for past "Was" and "Were", they had some students write some senteces on the board to practice and Mauricio even explained the difference of "Hay" in Spanish, which is really important" In order for them to understand the difference in a second language they have to know the difference in their first language.

That was it for this entry, I feel really satisfied with how my lesson went and I can't believe that I am almost finished with the English Didactics course! Next Thursday we won't be going to the university, so I will update my blog in the following week for the final two lessons, stay tuned for that and thank you so much for reading, bye-bye!馃憢
