And we're back!

Hi everyone!! Welcome to my new blog for English Didactics II 馃帀

It is so nice to have the opportunity once again to work on a blog, I can't believe in just a few months we will be done with this major but I will try to live in the present and enjoy this course as much as possible.

First of all, I was so excited to see my classmates once again and even though we were all together as volunteers for the Central American and Caribbean Games, it was nice to be back at the university all together.

On our first English Didactics II class on Thursday we had a surprise diagnostic test and I have to admit that I did not remember any of the theories of language or the theories of learning that we were taught on the Compared Linguistics course (Apparently), it is unbelievable how your brain can delete such important information after a few years and that is exactly what happened to me, but at least I got all of the teaching methods right, I mean I had to since it is what we studied less than three months ago. After our break, we watched some videos related to the topic and we solved the test together.

I got 6 out 15 points馃槄

Teacher Orlando also told us that in less than two months we will be starting with our first lessons (As teachers!), and we also need to bring real people, real students to class and I got really excited and I am so happy that we get to experience this kind of things before trying it in the real world of teaching.

Accorind to what teacher Orlando told us, this register is going to have a bit ot theory but for the next two registers everything is going to be practical, so maybe for my next entries they are just going to be filled with pictures and videos.

I really can't wait to start planning the lessons and to have fun with the students, I have high expectations for the second and last part of this course so hopefully everything will play out great.

That's it for the first entry of this new blog, as always, thank you for reading and stay tuned for next week's entry, bye-bye!馃憢


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