Grammar and vocabulary classes

Hello everyone! Welcome to this period's last entry馃槺

Time has gone by so fast! I can't believe we're in midterms already, after having learned all about lesson planning it was time for us to prepare a real class with a real topic for teaching English.

The craziest thing happened yesterday, the whole class decided black for the dress code, we even matched with other groups (It was not intentional馃槀)

1. Vocabulary: Hospital
They all had matching t-shirts and it was really cute!

We started off with the classes and the first group had a very interesting topic! They teached vocabulary related to a hospital, it was so useful and there were some words, that even us that are at an advanced english level, didn't know what they meant. The new vocabulary I learned was: Prognosis and gurney.

They handed us a word search to practice and we also had to match the word with the definition.

They also had a mini game where everyone had to pass around a hat and the chosen student had to read one of the papers create a sentence with that new word, that was a really good way to practice!

Josh was the chosen one!

2. Grammar: Third conditional

This class was really organized and considering that they were teaching grammar they knew how to explain it perfectly.

They first taught the structure and then proceeded to have us create sentences and practice on the board and also gave us a copy with some sentences and we had to find the third conditional sentences. They also played a song and it was nice that they incorporated music to the classroom in order to teach their topic. I think we all learned the main purpose of the third conditional which is used to express regret and things we could have done in the past. Nathaly and I wrote some sentences on the board and we got a paletita since we did it correctly, candy is always a nice way to award students馃嵀

3. Vocabulary: Cooking

This group's topic was so creative! They taught us new words and some I definitely never had heard about, like mise en place, blanching and emulsion. They asked us if we like to cook and if we had ever use the techniques that they explained and it was nice that everyone was participating.

The exercise they came up with so creative as well! Here we have Miriam and Nathaly in full chef mode. 

We had to create a recipe with the ingredients and the techniques we were given, that way we practiced the vocabulary we had just learned.

4. Grammar: Second conditional.
My group was the last one to go and even though we were running out of time I appreciate the few students that stayed til' the end!

We taught the structure of the second conditional and teacher Jonathan associated it with Sponge Bob's meme: Imagination馃寛 This is a great thing to do since at the end of the class everyone can easily remember the use of the second conditional!

For our warm up activity, we had two groups unscramble the words in order to create second conditional sentences.

Here is teacher Jonathan and he actually teaches at an English academy, it was so nice seeing him do what he loves!馃挓

Then we had some practice exercises and it was such a pity, at least from my side, I had prepared a Kahoot quiz but when I checked it on the computer at the university it just didn't work! So I had to do what a teacher knows how to do best: Improvise! These definitely counts as a unforeseen problem that we had learned about in the previous classes, I had to come up with a plan b in a real short period of time and that deifnitely made my exercise take more time, but you gotta do what you gotta do!

I put all of the student's names in a random wheel and I had to spin it, then the chosen ones had to come up front and wite on the board the second conditional sentences correctly.

Then we also had a real fun activity which was a consequence chain using the second conditional, where everyone had to end the sentence with the first clause the previous student said.

I think we all did a great job but Nathaly, Fernando and Jonathan who have experience in teaching they are definitely made for this, I loved seeing them act so natural and I know that if they decide it that way they will become such great teachers!馃挐

And with my group, we wrapped up all of´the classes for yesterday, I really enjoyed all of my classmates activities and how they all had a warm up and a wrap up which are crucial elements in a class, we also did good with time management and now I can't wait to have real students in the classroom, it is going to be exciting, interesting and nerve-racking all at the same time.

Thank you for reading this period's last entry and stay tuned for the first entry of the second period, bye-bye!馃憢

P.S: Teacher! I couldn't find an equivalent for "Nucita"馃槅 Since it is a proper noun I guess you can just call it the same in English, all I could find was that it is  a "Creamy candy for children" You're welcome!馃槅


  1. Dani, thank you very much for writing such a complete entry and for investigating about the Nucita term. :D


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