Present - Practice - Use

Hello everyone! Welcome to another entry of my English Didactics II blog馃槉

For this week we learned the three most important parts of an English class, it was nice to learn how a class can be organized in order for all of the students to reach the goals the teacher sets at the beginning and now we can start planning our own lessons.

The break-down of an English class is the following: Presentation - Practice - Use.

1. Presentation: Here the teacher participates 100% and explains the new topic, the teacher has to be creative and raise awareness of the topic.

2. Practice: There is an interaction between the student and the teacher, in this part the students can practice/rehearse what was explained in order to achieve accuracy. There has to be a minimum of two activities for students to practice the topic, a controlled practice and a free practice, in the first one there are zero or a few chances for students to make mistakes and in the second one they play with the language and are allowed to make more mistakes.

3. Use: This is the time dedicated for the students, here they will show what they can do after learning what the teacher taught, and they will do it with real life tasks in order to achieve fluency in the target language.

It is important to remember that the student needs to have most of the time of the class to practice, this means that the presentation part doesn't have to take too long, the teacher can explain the new topic in 10 to 15 minutes, if you have a 1 hour class, take into account that the students might need at least 20 minutes to practice and the most important thing is that at the end of the class the students can fulfill correctly the objective of the class.

The other parts of a class are the warm up and the wrap up, so the class should be split evenly in these 5 parts, of course it sounds so much easier than actually doing it but it is necessary to plan a lesson ahead of time for everything to go smoothly.

Next week we will be working in groups and teaching our first class, each group will have 30 minutes to present their topic and incorporate everything I previously explained, my group is currently working in planning the lesson and I really hope everything turns out great!

That was it for this week's entry, thank you so much for reading, bye-bye!馃憢
