Classes by groups 7 & 8

Hi everyone and welcome back to another entry!馃槉

We have finished the first round of our classes, my group was the second to last to go and actually, I'm pretty impressed on how good our class was, I really enjoyed it!

Our topic was numbers and classroom objects and we were teaching listening. Each one of us came up with fun and interesting activities for students to learn.

Starting from the warm up led by Fernando, he played some games with the students in order to prepare them and give them energy to begin the lesson. 

Mar铆a briefly explained the numbers and came up with a math activity for students to practice with numbers.

Miriam taught new vocabulary to students and had them guess the different classroom objects.

I created my own audios to practice listening with our students, they had to write down the words they listened and we all had so much fun! 

Nathaly came up with a very fun activity called journalists and celebrities where students had to roleplay and ask for each others' phone numbers and age.

We had a total of six students but it was nice that they were paying attention and they all worked together馃槉

And last but definitely not least, group 8 continued with the same topic about classroom objects and they also did a great job! They practiced the reading skill with the students and they all worked nicely, I want to highlight my classmate Mauricio's energy, it is always nice to see him in teacher mode and the rest of my classmates teached their class accordingly and I am sure all of the students enjoyed it as well, and I also want to thank him and Keneth for helping us out when it was our time to teach, we all helped each other and worked as one even though we were in different groups:)

Here is our classmate Joaqu铆n doing the wrap up, he did great!

And that was the end of the first round, now that we have started the last register we will be teaching a class once again and all of us are already preparing in our own way, I honestly can't believe a month has gone by already and our students continue coming to our classes, time flies and in one month we will have the graduation ceremony, I really hope our students are enjoying the classes as much as we are. Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for round two, bye- bye!馃憢 
